Expanding Your Horizons Depends on Trustworthy Formation and Migration Services.

That’s Why Entrepreneurs, Investors and Funds Trust XCM.


Ask any of our high net-worth, corporate, or fund clients what they want most in their efforts to ensure smooth generational succession and outperforming ROI. They’ll say “privacy, flexibility and minimum taxes.” In the modern era, migrating activities to several jurisdictions with stellar benefits in all three drivers is desirable and realistic, but not without careful planning and strategy. Our team focuses on the foundational objectives of moving assets and domiciles across oceans, formating robust trust, corporate, or foundation vehicles and matching them accurately to jurisdictions providing the best results.

Discover the Unique XCM Formation and Migration Advantage.

Our multilingual capabilities and connection to international cultures –  European (through Curaçao’s inclusion in the Dutch Kingdom and legal system), Latin American and North American — provide the springboard for us to professionally guide your formation and migration strategies across several jurisdictions.

We know the formation ins and outs related to different jurisdictions — fiscal responsibilities and reporting requirements. Accordingly, we’re the preferred choice of many to provide or act as:

  • Personal and corporate trustees.
  • Directors, company secretaries, or foundation council members.

Trust formation frequently comes under consideration. We know everything there is to know about the trust options, their pros and cons, the lifestyles they suit best and which jurisdictions they fit like a hand in a glove. The different types available are:

  • Discretionary
  • Reserved
  • Private or Foundation
  • Charitable
  • Life Interest
  • Directed
  • Delegated
  • Revocable, Partially Revocable and Irrevocable
  • Dynasty
  • Generation-Skipping
  • Asset Protection 
  • Managed (for institutional clients entering the trust and fiduciary markets.)

Our extensive global connections include coordinating client/professional advisor interactions in all our targeted locations to guide you through the regulatory and administrative processes of complex formations and migrations. This covers such things as:

  • Seamlessly integrating banks, notaries, lawyers and tax advisors to impact migrating and formation decisions.
  • Risk and compliance support.
  • Preparing standard articles of association.

True success - collaboration. At XCM Group we build to secure your financial future.